Progressives further their agendas by never letting a crisis go to waste.

It makes me sick of what the politicians are doing. Progressives definitely “Never let a crisis go to waste” (Rob Emanual), they never seek to fix the cause of the problem; they only seek to further their progressive socialist agenda. We are facing the fiscal cliff, obviously caused by failed social programs and way too much unbridled spending and the printing of money, yet they twist the story and say that it is because the RICH AREN’T PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE and that taxes aren’t high enough. Their argument is utterly ridiculous and even if the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, the take would be just $616 billion. That’s only a third of this year’s deficit. We wouldn’t even break even this year, let alone pay off the deficit. The problem is spending, THEY KNOW IT, but they don’t care. They only care about their agenda, which is THE REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.

Now take this tragedy in Connecticut. They twist the truth and say that the cause of this tragedy is guns before hardly any information about the monster and the full details of the incident are out. Guns did not cause the gunman to become a monster that is capable of such evil, it was something else; a messed up childhood, mental disorders, lack of medical treatment, etc. Guns are only the tool he chose to use to carry out this evil. If guns aren’t available, evil people still carry out evil with whatever they have access to, take the Rwandan Genocide for example, almost a million slain with mainly machetes. At 9/11 the terrorists used box cutters to hijack airplanes to kill. The same day as the shooting a man in China stabbed 22 people with a knife. Evil will find a tool. Banning a tool as indispensable as guns to the citizens of this country is nonsense. The same types of guns the gunman used are essential for the protection of life and rights. Progressive politicians don’t want to let this tragedy go to waste, so instead of figuring out the actual cause of the shooting and creating a solution to that, they change the conversation to be about gun control and try to get guns out of the hands of LAW ABIDING citizens.

These politicians don’t care about the facts, us, or fixing the actual problem. They only care about their agenda and will use lies and disgustingly take advantages of tragedies such as this to further it.

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